Foster a Song Campaign

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I wish to make a tax-deductible contribution in support of the Foster-A-Song campaign to support post-production expenses for the documentary film SLOANE • A JAZZ SINGER about the life, career and legacy of Carol Sloane.

All donations are made to the Clayton Cultural Arts Foundation, our wonderful non-profit fiscal agent partner for SLOANE • A JAZZ SINGER. All current contributed funds go toward final costs for musical rights and licensing to broaden distribution of this important film to the wider public market. (Should we be unable to reach the present goal, then the film must go on the shelf and cannot be viewed in any manner after Feb. 23, 2024. That’s NOT music to our ears…)

While you may contribute by check or by credit card online, we request that you make your payment by check whenever possible. This alleviates credit card processing fees and permits the Foundation to allocate your full contribution to our fund. Donations are tax-deductible. Please consult your tax advisor if you have questions about the tax implications of your non-refundable gift.

If paying by check: Once you submit your initial Donor Form, you may make your check payable to Clayton Cultural Arts Foundation/SLOANE; mail to the Foundation at P.O. Box 879, Clayton, NC 27528.

If remitting by credit card online, be aware that you will be required to re-enter most of your donor data a second time once you click on the online payment link. Please make sure that you follow the online process thru complete submission. Online contributions can be made in amounts up to a maximum of $5,000. If you credit card donation process fully completes for the contributed amount you have entered, you will receive an automatic confirmation email immediately from the Foundation.

For all donors, by either method, your formal nonprofit/IRS acknowledgment letter will come to you from the office of the Foundation.

We are immensely grateful for your support. On Carol’s behalf, we thank you.

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