Arts Project Management
"...Standing ovations even before intermission, a generosity of performance and onstage energy by eight brothers and sisters who have been fueled by the gods, and an audience response and afterglow that presenters most often only dream of. Leahy-monogrammed oxygen tanks should be passed out to each arriving patron. 'Breathtaking' doesn't even come close to being an adequate description of what Leahy gives to its audience." - Presenters Reports, April 1999

- NC tour booking, Justin David, 12+ venues, 2007-08
- Editor, ON STAGE IN NORTH CAROLINA, 1998-2006; Project Manager for publication of NC Presenter Consortium's 48-page guide to NCPC member- events statewide, designed and produced by Wordwright Communications, Wilmington, NC. See expanded calendar listings at and in OUR STATE Magazine.
- Tour booking, 05-06 season, for MAN 1, BANK 0, Patrick Combs’ hit theatrical account of what happened when he deposited a junk mail check for $95,000 at his local ATM - and the bank accepted it. 16 venues NC, SC, VA, January-February 2006.
- Production of artist showcase “From a Presenter’s Point of View” artist showcase at Midwest Arts Conference, Indianapolis, September 2005, featuring Christine Lavin, Curtis Stigers, Emile Pandolfi, Jim Witter’s “The Piano Men” and Lynne Rothrock
- Curtis Stigers’ first NC appearances 2004 and subsequent six-city NC tour, spring 2005
- Tour booking, 04-05 season, for PARDON MY SOUTHERN ACCENT: An Evening with Jim Wann & Friends, an intimate evening with Southern songwriting by Wann (author/composer of PUMP BOYS & DINETTES, KING MACKERAL, DIAMOND STUDS & more) and others.
- Tour booking & administration for the fall 03 NC Theatre tour of GOOD OL GIRLS, musical revue based on the writings of Lee Smith & Jill McCorkle, with music by Matraca Berg & Marshall Chapman. Southeastern US tour, 30+ performances in NC, VA, TN, SC, KY, MS.
- Tour management for Loni Clark's Music of Motor City, The Salute to the Girl Groups of the 60s, spring 03
- Tour management for Gregory Popovich's Comedy Pet Theatre, April 2002 and February-May, 2003, 40 performances throughout the East Coast, from New Jersey to Florida
Co-chair for NC Presenters Consortium with NC Arts Council for ArtsMarket 2002, Wilmington, NC & ArtsMarket 2004, 2005 & 2007, High Point, NC. ArtsMarket is a regional performing arts showcase and booking conference. (visit
- Assembly & administration of NC statewide tours with Leahy, Lakefield Ontario, 1999 & 2001; 12-16 performance tours, coordinated through NC Presenters Consortium (Leahy now managed by Columbia Artists Management, New York.)
- La Bottine Souriante (Quebec), one-week NC tour Feb. 9-17, in association with the North Carolina Presenters Consortium and S.L. Feldman & Associates, Toronto
- GENESIS, Max McLean's powerful one-man drama, scheduled at ten NC venues during the 2000-01 season, in association with NCPC and Fellowship for the Performing Arts, Convent Station, NJ
- Living In My Heart, January 2000. Co-executive producer for the recording by Randa McNamara, co-produced with Cornerstone Records' Daryl Kojak and Randa McNamara. Released on Cornerstone January 15, 2000.
- Tour management for The Carolina Connection featuring the Loonis McGlohon Trio and vocalist Randa McNamara, with 12 performances across NC during the 2000-01 season
- George Gee Orchestra & Swing-Dance Extravaganza, February 2000; 11-city NC tour, in association with NC Presenters Consortium and Community Communications, Inc., NY